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My micro-loop extensions are slipping. What should I do?

If the silicone lining in the micro loop hair extensions is slipping out of the bead when you clamp it down, there are a few things you can try to prevent this issue:

Use smaller sections of hair: When applying the extensions, make sure you're using smaller sections of hair that can fit securely within the bead. If the section is too thick, it may put excessive pressure on the bead and cause the silicone lining to slip out.

Adjust the bead size: Perhaps your client has thin hair, and nano beads extensions more appropriate for her. If the bead is too large, it may not grip the hair properly, leading to slippage.

Apply the extensions correctly: Proper installation is crucial for the longevity of micro loop hair extensions. Make sure you're correctly threading the hair through the bead and positioning the bead close to the scalp.

Additionally, be careful not to overtighten the bead, as excessive pressure can cause the silicone lining to come out.

It's important to handle hair extensions gently and take proper care of them to maintain their appearance and longevity.

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