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How to apply a man toupee?

Applying a toupee using glue and tape involves several steps. All our toupees include the glue and tapes free of charge. Here's a general guide on how to apply a man's toupee:

  1. Prepare the scalp: Ensure that the scalp is clean and free from oils or residues. Use a gentle cleanser or scalp preparation solution to remove any dirt or oils, and let it dry completely.
  2. Position the toupee: Place the toupee on the scalp to determine the desired position and alignment. Adjust it to fit properly, making sure it covers the balding or thinning areas.
  3. Trim the toupee: If necessary, trim the edges of the toupee to achieve a more natural-looking hairline.
  4. Apply adhesive: There are different types of adhesives available, including glue and tape. If you choose to use glue, apply a thin, even layer on the scalp using a brush or nozzle applicator. If you opt for tape, cut the tape-in rolls into smaller pieces that match the size of the toupee's perimeter.
  5. Wait for the adhesive to become tacky: Allow the adhesive to dry for a few minutes or until it becomes tacky.
  6. Position the toupee: Carefully place the toupee onto the scalp, starting from the front and pressing it down onto the adhesive. Ensure proper alignment and adjust as needed.
  7. Secure with tape: If you're using tape, apply the pre-cut tape pieces around the edges of the toupee, ensuring a secure hold. Press firmly to ensure proper adhesion.
  8. Style the hair: Once the toupee is in place, you can style the hair as desired. Use a comb, brush, or your fingers to achieve the desired look.

Please remember that it's important to have a professional hair salon apply the man toupee for you.

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